International Event Guidance

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The main purpose of this Act is to maximise access by members of the public to tickets to certain sports events by–
(a) allowing the Minister to declare certain sports events for the purposes of this Act; and
(b) requiring the sale and distribution of tickets to declared events to be in accordance with ascheme approved by the Minister, which may involve placing conditions on the sale or distribution of tickets to the event; and
(c) providing offences for certain breaches of an approved ticket scheme for a declared event or of conditions on the sale or distribution of tickets to the event.

The primary aim of this Act is to enhance the public’s ability to acquire tickets to specific sports events by:

(a) permitting the Minister to identify specific sports events for the purposes of this Act; and

(b) necessitating that the sale and allocation of tickets to designated events be managed by a plan sanctioned by the Minister, which may include restrictions on the sale or distribution of tickets to the event; and

(c) establishing offenses for specific violations of an authorized ticket scheme for a designated event or for violations of ticket sale or allocation conditions.

An Act relating to the management of State emergencies and rescues.

An Act relating to the management of State emergencies and rescues.

The South Australian State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) sets out the state’s comprehensive emergency management arrangements for enabling an effective prevention from – preparedness for – response to – and recovery from – an emergency.

The South Australian State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) sets out the state’s comprehensive emergency management arrangements for enabling an effective prevention from – preparedness for – response to – and recovery from – an emergency.

The SEMP of South Australia outlines the complete emergency management system of the state that enables effective prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery from emergencies.

The South Australian State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) sets out the state’s comprehensive emergency management arrangements for enabling an effective prevention from – preparedness for – response to – and recovery from – an emergency.

The South Australian State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) sets out the state’s comprehensive emergency management arrangements for enabling an effective prevention from – preparedness for – response to – and recovery from – an emergency.

The aim of this guideline is to inform and enhance existing emergency management arrangements
for evacuations during actual and, or forecast emergencies. This guideline does not replace
evacuation arrangements for specific hazards (eg. floods, bush fires) which are contained within
individual Sub Plans and agency specific policies.

The purpose of this guideline is to improve the current emergency management procedures for evacuations in the event of an actual or predicted emergency. It is important to note that this guideline is not intended to replace evacuation plans for specific hazards, such as floods or bushfires, which are outlined in individual sub-plans and policies specific to each agency.

An Act to establish the State Emergency Service and define its functions; to make provision for the handling of certain emergencies; to repeal the State Emergency Services and Civil Defence Act 1972; to amend certain other Acts; and for other purposes.

This is a law that creates the State Emergency Service and outlines its duties. It also provides for how specific emergencies are to be handled. Additionally, it repeals a previous law called the State Emergency Services and Civil Defence Act 1972, and makes changes to some other laws.

State Profiles of Underage Drinking Laws provides state-by-state summaries on underage drinking and access to alcohol statutes and regulations.

An Act to amend the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993, the Motor Vehicles Act 1959, the
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) Act 2012 and the Road Traffic Act 1961.

An Act to amend the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993, the Motor Vehicles Act 1959, the
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) Act 2012 and the Road Traffic Act 1961.

An Act to amend the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 and the Road Traffic Act 1961

An Act to amend the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 and the Road Traffic Act 1962

An Act to amend the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 and the Criminal Law
(Sentencing) Act 1988.

An Act to amend the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 and the Criminal Law
(Sentencing) Act 1988.

An Act to amend the Gaming Machines Act 1992, the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 and the Security and Investigation Agents Act 1995.

An Act to amend the Gaming Machines Act 1992, the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 and the Security and Investigation Agents Act 1995.

An Act to amend the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2005 and the Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005.

Keep teens safe.
Stop the supply.
The law is changing from 18 December
2017, with stronger penalties for people
who illegally supply alcohol to anyone
under 18.
Big parties and events will be targeted,
where large groups of teenagers are
supplied with alcohol.

The book therefore considers the management of events on two levels, the management of single events and the management of events that have a role in event programmes and series. The latter perhaps requiring a wider and longer-term strategic view. The strategic approach in this text is therefore concerned with the direction and scope of an event in order to achieve its objectives.

Overview of how to plan and deliver a safe event, including: management responsibilities, conducting risk assessments and developing an Operations Manual.

An Act to constitute the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust; to provide for the dedication of certain lands for public recreation; to appoint the Trust as trustee of those lands and to charge the Trust with the care, control and management thereof; to confer and impose on the Trust certain responsibilities, powers, authorities, duties and functions in relation to those and other lands;

A guide on how to book and host an event at Sydney Opera House

In accordance with The Act, the arrangements articulated in the TEMP are reviewed every two years to ensure continuous improvement through application and review, collaboration and consultation. I commend the newly revised Tasmanian Emergency Management Plan to you.

The Tasmanian Emergency Management Plan (TEMP) is reviewed every two years as required by The Act to ensure that the arrangements stated in the plan are continuously improving through collaboration, consultation, and review. I recommend the updated Tasmanian Emergency Management Plan to you.