International Event Guidance

Search our database of official rules and guidance to find the information you need to plan your events.

This resource aims to provide practical guidance to event holders to assist with managing risks
associated with their events.

An Act to promote equality of opportunity for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity and from sexual harassment and certain associated objectionable conduct

An Act to prohibit discrimination and other specified conduct and to provide for the investigation and conciliation of, and inquiry into, complaints in relation to such discrimination and conduct

An approved security industry organisation is an organisation recognised by Victoria Police to provide support and professional development to industry

Approved security industry organisations are able to provide the mandatory professional development courses needed to hold a business licence.

Victoria Police approved a security organization to provide assistance to professionals and stakeholders in the industry.

The purpose of Australia’s counter-terrorism effort is to safeguard Australia, its people and its interests from the harms of terrorism and violent extremism. This will be achieved through: countering violent extremism in all its forms by preventing radicalisation of individuals before an attack takes place, and rehabilitating and reintegrating violent extremist offenders equipping our law enforcement, security intelligence and other operational agencies with the resources and powers to tackle terrorist threats ensuring our counter-terrorism arrangements are resilient, collaborative, consistent and proportionate both nationally and internationally.

Statement provided by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) that states that there may be a terrorist attack in any Australian city at any point in time.

This reflects the advice of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) that individuals and groups continue to possess the intent and capability
to conduct a terrorist attack in Australia. The elevated terrorist threat is likely to persist for the foreseeable future and it is not confined to any one city or metropolitan area.

Key elements that outline more effective security for the country as a whole as well as personal and business measures. Suggestions include but are not limited to: stronger relations, increased information, CCTV cameras, and increased security.

An Act to make provision for the operation of the Australian Crime Commission in the ACT, to repeal the National Crime Authority (Territory Provisions) Act 1991, and for related purposes

An Act to make provision for the operation of the Australian Crime Commission in Tasmania, to repeal the National Crime Authority (State Provisions) Act 1985 and for related purposes

provides an authoritative, trusted and freely available source of knowledge about disaster resilience principles in Australia
aligns national disaster resilience strategy and policy with practice, by guiding and supporting jurisdictions, agencies and other organisations and individuals in their implementation and adoption
highlights and promotes the adoption of good practice in building disaster resilience in Australia
builds interoperability between jurisdictions, agencies, the private sector, local businesses and community groups by promoting use of a common language and coordinated, nationally agreed principles.

Guidance on disaster events in Australia and the steps to take for more information, increased security, and good practice.

Australia’s counter-terrorism objective is to protect Australia, its people and its interests from harm caused by terrorism and violent extremism. This is accomplished in the following ways: Countering all forms of violent extremism and countering the threat of terrorism by preventing individuals from becoming radicalized before attacks occur and by rehabilitating and reintegrating violent extremist perpetrators. Give law enforcement, security intelligence agencies, and other operational agencies the resources and authority to Counter-terrorism agreements are resilient, cooperative, coherent and balanced, both nationally and internationally. 

Australia’s counter-terrorism objective is to protect Australia, its people and its interests from harm caused by terrorism and violent extremism. This is done by opposing extremism and radicalism before events are escalated as well as enforcing the law through security and police.

Australia’s counter-terrorism objective is to protect Australia, its people and its interests.
From the harm of terrorism and violent extremism. This is accomplished in the following ways:

1. Combat all forms of violent extremism by preventing individuals from radicalizing before an attack
Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Criminals
2. Provides resources to law enforcement, security intelligence agencies, and other operational agencies
and powers to counter terrorist threats
3. Ensure our counter-terrorism arrangements are resilient, cooperative, coherent and balanced
both nationally and internationally.  

Australia’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy and National Counter-Terrorism Plan Ensure Australia Stays Ahead of Terrorist Attacks 

Objectives outlining the reasoning for keeping Australia safe from terrorism and acts of violence.

Expert advice, valuation and measurement today form crucial elements of
any major events or tourism campaign. Repucom provided this insight and
more, drawing on over 25 years’ experience at the forefront of media impact
and value analysis in the global sports, event and entertainment sectors.
Repucom is the only global independent source of Holistic Evaluation and
Impact Measurement focused on measuring and quantifying:
• Economic Impact
• Global Media Coverage, audiences and value for host destinations
• Community Impact.

A company named Repucom has insignts on Economic impact, global media coverage, and community impact from over 25 years of experience within the media and sports industry.

These two documents were produced as a collaborative project between
stakeholders in the live music industry and the South Australian Government. In
particular, the Music Industry Council, the Music Development Office and the Live
Music Office. Music SA would also like to would like to thank the following
organisations and individuals for their input: Adelaide City Council, the Australian
Hotels Association (SA Branch), the Environmental Protection Authority, the
Local Government Association, the Grace Emily Hotel, the Department of
Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, APRA AMCOS, SAPOL, Consumer and
Business Services (Liquor Licensing), Attorney General’s Department,
Department of Premier and Cabinet, 5/4 Entertainment, SA Metropolitan Fire
Service, Department of State Development, Damian Cunningham, Ryan Winter,
Patrick Donovan (Music Victoria), Joe Hay and the staff of Music SA.

These two documents
Stakeholders in the live music industry and the South Australian Government. of
In particular, Music Industry Council, Music Development Office, Live
music office. Music SA would also like to thank:
Contributing Organizations and Individuals:
Adelaide City Council, Australia
Hotel Association (SA Branch), Environmental Protection Agency,
Local Government Association, Grace Emily Hotel, Administration Office
Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, APRA AMCOS, SAPOL, Consumer and
Business Services (Alcohol Licensing), Office of the Attorney General,
Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Office, 5/4 Entertainment, SA Metropolitan Fire
Services, Development, Damian Cunningham, Ryan Winter,
Patrick Donovan (Music Victoria), Joe Hay and the staff of Music SA.

An Act to regulate the conduct of professional and amateur boxing, and for related purposes

An Act to regulate the conduct of professional and amateur boxing, and for related purposes

A resource to help event planners create a safe and successful event. It contains the best existing practiices which are designed to complement emergency plans, policies and regulations.

This regulation is reprinted as at 1 July 2009. The reprint shows the law as amended by all
amendments that commenced on or before that day (Reprints Act 1992 s 5(c)).
The reprint includes a reference to the law by which each amendment was made—see list
of legislation and list of annotations in endnotes. Also see list of legislation for any
uncommenced amendments.

This ‘Fire Safety Management Tool for Owner/Occupiers’ should be read in conjunction with the comprehensive ‘Advisory Notes for the
Fire Safety Management Tool for Owner/Occupiers’. These provide clarification of terms referenced below with the numbers directly
correlating with the numbers listed within the Advisory Notes.

This Fire Safety Management Tool for Owners/Residents should be used in conjunction with the comprehensive Precautions for Residents.
Fire protection management tool for owners/occupants. These, along with the numbers, help clarify the terms directly referenced below
It correlates with the numbers given in the advice notes.

A guide to safety in Canada soccer. It contains information, the best practices and principles and how to ensure safe environments and participation. It covers subjects including responsible coaching, injuries, anti-doping, equipment kand psychological saftey.

Our policies and procedures guide what the Queensland Police Service (QPS) does, and how we do it. Manuals are reference tools that help police officers correctly implement our policies and procedures.