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Protecting workers and other persons from harm by requiring duty holders to eliminate or minimise risk

Protecting workers and other persons from harm by requiring duty holders to eliminate or minimise risk

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017

(1) The main purpose of this Act is to assist in protecting children from sexual or physical harm by ensuring that people who work with, or care for, them have their suitability to do so checked by a government body.
(2) This Act amends the Sentencing Act 1991 to prevent sentencing courts from having regard to any consequences that may arise under this Actand amends Schedule 1 to that Act to broaden the range of sexual offences which may cause an offender to be treated as a serious sexual offender under that Act.
(3) This Act also makes minor amendments to—
(a) the Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004 consistent with provisions of this Act; and
(b) the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 with respect to the procedure of VCAT on applications made to it under this Act; and
(c) the Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 to make further provision for certain notification requirements for the purposes of this Act.

An Act to provide for background checking and registration of people who work with vulnerable people, and for other purposes

The main purposes of this Act are—
(a) to amend the Wrongs Act 1958—
(i) to provide for thresholds in relation to the recovery of damages for noneconomic loss; and (ii) to limit thedamages that may be awarded for gratuitous attendant care services; and
(iii) to provide for proportionate liability in proceedings for economic loss; and
(b) to amend the Limitation of Actions Act 1958 to provide for new limitation periods for certain civil actions for damages that relate to death or personal injury; and
(c) to amend the Building Act 1993 to repeal the provisions relating to proportionate liability; and
(d) to amend the Accident Compensation Act 1985 in relation to the role of Medical Panels under the Wrongs Act 1958.

The main purposes of this Act are—
(a) to amend the Wrongs Act 1958
in relation to—
(i) negligence;
(ii) contributory negligence;
(iii) mental harm;
(iv) the liability of public authorities;
(v) damages for injury or death;
(b) to amend the Wrongs and Limitation of Actions Acts (Insurance Reform) Act 2003in relation to proportionate liability;
(c) to amend the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Act 1996 to empower the Authority to insure or indemnify other persons and bodies;
(d) to amend the Building Act 1993 in relation to insurance for domestic building work.

The purposes of this Act are—
(a) to amend the Wrongs Act 1958—
(i) to provide that issues of intoxication and illegal activity must be taken into consideration in certain claims in respect of death or personal injury; and
(ii) to provide that an apology does not constitute an admission of liability in civil proceedings where the death or injury of a person is in issue; and
(iii) to limit the amounts that may be recovered as damages for death or personal injury caused by the fault of a person; and
(iv) to provide for the use of structured settlements as an alternative method for payment of personal injury
compensation; and
(v) to protect good samaritans providing assistance, advice or care at emergencies or accidents from civil liability for their actions; and
(vi) to protect food donors from civil liability arising from the consumption of donated food; and
(vii) to protect volunteers providing services in relation to community work from civil liability for their actions; and
(b) to amend the Coroners Act 1985 to provide that an apology or waiver or reduction of fees does not constitute an admission for the purposes of coronial findings in an investigation of a death; and
(c) to amend the Food Act 1984 in relation to food donors; and
(d) to amend the Goods Act 1958 to extend the operation of Part IV of that Act to additional services and to provide for waivers permitting self-assumption of risk by people who choose to participate in inherently risky activities;

This Act aims to achieve the following:
(a) to modify the Wrongs Act 1958 by including considerations of intoxication and illegal activity in claims related to death or personal injury; establishing that apologies do not imply admission of liability in civil proceedings related to personal injury or death; setting limits to compensation amounts for personal injury or death due to someone’s fault; introducing structured settlements as a new option for personal injury compensation payment; safeguarding good samaritans, food donors, and volunteers against civil liability arising from their actions;
(b) to modify the Coroners Act 1985, so that apologies or fee waivers do not count as admission of guilt during coronial investigations of deaths;
(c) to modify the Food Act 1984 in relation to food donors;
(d) to modify the Goods Act 1958 to expand the coverage of Part IV of the Act to additional services and permit waivers for people who opt to engage in activities that entail inherent risks.