International Event Guidance

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An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the misuse of drugs and to make further provision for the prevention of the misuse of drugs and for other purposes

An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the misuse of drugs and to make further provision for the prevention of the misuse of drugs.

An Act to prohibit the sale, supply and possession of drugs of dependence and prohibited substances, and for related purposes

An Act to prohibit the sale, supply and possession of drugs of dependence and prohibited substances, and for related purposes

An Act about emergencies and fire and ambulance incidents, and for other purposes

Natural disasters can happen very fast. This can make it dangerous to stay in your home and you may need to leave quickly (evacuate).

Having a plan means everyone in your household knows what to do in an emergency. When you are making a plan, you might want to include your neighbours or friends. People you know who are elderly or have special needs may need your help.

If you need help making an emergency plan, ask a friend or neighbour to help.

The purposes of this Act are—
(a) to amend the Emergency Management Act 1986— (i)
to establish the position of Emergency Services Commissioner; and (ii) to provide for the Emergency Services Commissioner to be the person responsible for the preparation and monitoring of standards for emergency services organisations;
(b) to make other minor amendments to the Emergency Management Act 1986;
(c) to make consequential amendments to the Country Fire Authority Act 1958, the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Act 1958 and the Victoria State Emergency Service Act 1987.

An Act to establish strategies and systems for the management of emergencies in the State; and for other purposes.

An Act to provide for prompt and coordinated organisation of
emergency management in the State, and for related purposes.

An Act to provide for the protection of life, property and the environment in the event of an emergency, to establish emergency management arrangements, to provide for certain rescue and retrieval operations, to repeal the Emergency Services Act 1976 , to consequentially rescind certain statutory rules, to consequentially amend certain Acts and for related purposes

This Act aims to protect life, property, and the environment during an emergency by establishing emergency management arrangements and providing for rescue and retrieval operations. The Emergency Services Act 1976 is repealed and certain statutory rules and Acts are consequentially amended or rescinded. The Act has other related purposes.

The purpose of this Act is to— (a) establish new governance arrangements foremergency management in Victoria; and (b) repeal the Fire Services Commissioner
Act 2010; and (c) consequentially amend emergency management legislation and certain other Acts.

The purpose of this Act is to establish new governance arrangements for emergency management in Victoria. It also aims to repeal the Fire Services Commissioner Act 2010 and make consequential amendments to emergency management legislation and certain other Acts.

The handbook describes the emergency management roles and responsibilities of all levels of government, non-government organisations (NGOs), businesses, communities and individuals. Arrangements and responsibilities for the comprehensive approach to emergency management – prevention, preparedness, response and recovery (PPRR) are discussed.

These regulations may be cited as the Emergency Management Regulations 2009.

A document containing information on specific areas of mass crowd event problems. Previous problems include issues with physical layouts, organisation, flow and public saftey.

The best practices of Edmonton and Calgary were combined with federal and provincial government departments to create this guide. It has been created to be used by any community developing their event Emergency Response.

This document presents the findings of a state-level emergency risk assessment conducted in Victoria, Australia. It includes information on various significant risks related to emergencies and compares the level of risk between different categories.

This document reports the results of a recent state-level emergency risk assessment conducted in Victoria. It contains information
about a range of important emergency-related risks, and a comparis

An Act relating to the liability of employees in respect of torts committed by them; and to repeal the Employee’s Liability (Indemnification of Employer) Act 1982.

An Act relating to the liability of employees in respect of torts committed by them; and to repeal the Employee’s Liability (Indemnification of Employer) Act 1982.

The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 ensures you have a minimum level of insurance cover against claims. It enables you to meet the cost of compensation for injuries or illnesses of your employees on or offsite.

An Act to provide for the regulation of the entertainment industry; and for other purposes.

An Act to provide for the regulation of the entertainment industry; and for other purposes.

The purpose of this Act is to amend the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

An act to amend the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

The Act’s objectives are:

a) to eliminate, so far as is possible, discrimination against persons on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility or family status, race, religious or political conviction, impairment, age or gender history in the areas of work, accommodation, education, the provision of goods, facilities and services and the activities of clubs;

b) to eliminate, so far as is possible, sexual harassment and racial harassment in the workplace, and in educational institutions and sexual harassment and racial harassment related to accommodation;

c) to promote recognition and acceptance within the community of the equality of men and women; and

d) to promote recognition and acceptance with the community of the equality of persons of all races, regardless of their religious or political convictions, their impairments or ages.

The objectives of this Act are to eliminate discrimination based on various grounds such as sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility, family status, race, religious or political conviction, impairment, age or gender history in various areas. It also aims to eliminate sexual and racial harassment in the workplace, educational institutions, and accommodation-related settings. The Act intends to promote the recognition and acceptance of equality between men and women and between individuals of all races, regardless of their religious or political convictions, impairments, or ages.

The main purposes of this Act are— (a) to re-enact and extend the law relating to equal opportunity and protection against discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation; and
(b) to amend the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 in relation to dispute resolution; and
(c) to make consequential amendments to the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 and other Acts.

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