Basildon Pride

Basildon Pride
Basildon Pride formed and worked tirelessly on their first festival in 2019. Over 4,500 people attended, and it quickly became clear that Basildon Pride had cemented its place within the Basildon Borough and surrounding areas.

Event Lead, Alex Davies tells us, “OnePlan has been a great tool at Basildon Pride! We have been able to easily plan our Festival and Parade route and visualize what the Festival will look like each year, from a logistics point of view, we are also really looking forward to the addition of the Pride Festival add on coming to OnePlan”

The software has been really helpful with the slight changes the festival has each year, as our software is easy to edit and collaborate in real-time.

Alex also highlights: “With the Icons in OnePlan it’s really easy to see emergency routes. This helps when completing our Health and Safety requirements”.