The Newport Show

This busy and exciting event plan belongs to the Newport Show 2024!

The Newport show is Shropshire’s best one day show packed full of agriculture, vintage tractors, food, education and music! Run by by the Newport and Distruct Agricultural Society, the society relies on the hard work of members who form the various committees required to deliver an event of such complexity, with support from a small number of dedicated staff who are committed to the event year-round.

Having taken place on July 13th, the event was a triumph fun packed with activities including a dog show, tug of war, family circus skills, maypole dancing and lots of street food!

The Newport Show also focusses on education, each year, students from schools in the Newport area are invited to showcase their creative talents to the thousands of visitors at the Newport Show. By encouraging participation in this manner, the event fosters a connection between more young people and the show, as well as the farming community.

In addition to the events surrounding the show, the Society extends its support for education throughout the entire year by offering the Lodge at Chetwynd Deer Park to schools and other groups at no cost. It’s great to see such a rewarding event!