OnePlan Academy
Become a OnePlan Expert!
Level up your planning skills with our new Academy programme! The online training course has three levels to complete – Foundation, Professional and Expert – to help you become more proficient in using OnePlan.
Navigate through step-by-step video tutorials led by our event planning expert Mark Norman, and earn your qualification badges on the way!
Our Courses
Note: You must create a login for the OnePlan Academy, separate from your regular OnePlan Studio account.
Foundation Level
Your introduction to getting started with the OnePlan studio for all beginners.
This course is designed to get you started with OnePlan and introduce all of the foundational elements of the OnePlan environment.
Professional Level
Take your OnePlan to the next level: OnePlan studio for professional users.
This is the second of three courses consisting of 3 modules that introduce you to the more detailed elements of the OnePlan environment.